A New Day in Health Care Re-Imagined with American Ingenuity

NOVO Health redesigned health care to work for Providers, Employers, and Employees.

Returning the American dream for ALL by providing the most efficient way to directly connect local health care providers, business owners, and their employees via NOVO Health’s intuitive market, which empowers groups to save together, grow together and achieve goals together.

A New Day in Health Care

Re-Imagined with American Ingenuity

NOVO Health’s platform shines light through the health care delivery wasteland.

Corporate health care giants have crushed our budgets

NOVO Health Flips the Model

Vertical integration and industry consolidation have eliminated competition in health care, allowing costs to dramatically increase. Incumbents profit from every aspect of the current model, which leads to health care bullying – systems and insurers cracking down on independent solutions. 

Our programs offer vertical affiliation linking our independent providers in a way to empower you to direct your dollars to organizations that share your values, returning the savings to every individual participating rather than lining the pockets of giant corporations. 

A picture with a man pushing back against the giants of big pharma

Selling, shopping & saving for health care has never been easier

The NOVO Health Model Empowers:

  • Independent health care providers to sell directly to community businesses
  • Employers to save thousands of dollars in medical costs
  • Employees to keep money in their pocket for being wise consumers of health care

The NOVO Health Market

Check out these savings! 

Our Bundled Payment Program for Health Services features the same bundled prices at all locations with every participating NOVO Health provider.

Achieve the lifestyle you’ve wanted, funded by your health care dollars spent more wisely, locally and with those you trust.


NOVO Health Market

Whether you choose to purchase or provide services, the benefits accrue to you.



When you participate in a NOVO Health program, you keep the decisions and savings where you live and drive opportunities for employer, employee and community savings. Here is what we achieved together since 2017:


Bundled Procedures Performed

More than 100 specialty procedures are bundled, and patients receive priority access to providers and a single bill for services.


Direct Savings

Bundled medical services provide transparency, convenience and savings that can be reinvested in companies and workforces.


Costs Avoided

Early intervention using On-Site/Near-Site Injury Prevention kept employees healthy and resulted in dramatic savings that were kept local.


Savings Shared

Employers shared the savings with employees who chose low cost, high-quality NOVO Health providers.

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Alex Tyink, President and Founder of Fork Farms

"NOVO Health is on the cutting edge, always thinking about health care and making it better. We’re trying to do the same thing but from the food system perspective. We’re proud to be part of the NOVO Health market.”


Mike Shaefer, Patient, Mayville Engineering Co.

“I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I went up there, got the MRI and they showed me exactly what they were going to do. I had the procedure, and I have felt great since. I think about playing ball again. My wife says it’s been a night and day difference.”


Natasha Plank-Ottum, President and CEO, Plank Enterprises, Inc.

“We invested the savings from using the NOVO Health Bundled Payment Program for Specialty Health Services into our “whole-person," approach to wellness. We know problems in other areas of life can lead to accidents or health problems that show up later. We can’t ignore the rest of the person.”

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NOVO Health Now

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(833) 361-6686

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